Me and Conan!
Hello everybody, this is Cadence. I hope life has been kind to you today. If not, then tomorrow can be better! :) For me, today hasn't been the best day. It's hard not to feel bad for everything as I tend to, but I guess it wasn't the worst day either. I recorded a cover of Hot N Cold, by Katy Perry.
It was fun to play this song, because of many reasons! Well, first of all, because it's a song from my childhood. I consider myself very lucky to have grown up in the -early- 2010s, since it's a time period that I adore; and it's of course, full of memories.
I remember this song was very popular, and I would listen to it a lot. Don't laugh at me here, but for some time, I think I thought Zendaya sang this song (I don't know why! I think there was a commercial of her with the song lol. I don't even remember). But then I found out it was Katy Perry, and I remember I loved the music video too- I watched it a lot of times.
The second reason is because we recorded the video upstairs! What I mean is, in my house, there are 2 rooms upstairs (before reaching the highest place which is the roof), that are abandoned. Everything is dirty and old. I guess we really have to clean lol, but that's kind of the magic of the place! But we're actually planning to clean and restyle everything. I love those rooms and I really can't wait to see what we do with them. :)
Last, but not least of course, is that my dog appears in the video! She's playing around, enjoying the mysterious, filthy scenary. You have to look carefully (or not, she really stands out, she's outstanding!).

For my outfit today, I chose a long-sleeved t-shirt with a Hello Kitty design. We bought it with my mom! I wasn't sure of buying it but she said she liked how it looked on me, so she convinced me. I don't exactly feel confident wearing it, but for the video it was fine. Then, I'm wearing a skirt that used to be my cousin's.
My outfit is pretty, but my cat is prettier! He's handsome! I LOVE CONAN!